Unprofessional - Multi Vendor Video Course Selling PHP Script
Author : CodeDaddy
Create Date : June 29, 2021
Support :
Google Anaytics Integrated
Security : It is protected against SQL injection, XSS and other attack and your website will be safe.
Before starting to install, make sure you fulfill the following requirements:
- You can use this script on any live LINUX server (VPS Recommended).
- Required PHP version in server >= 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
- Stripe Merchant Account & https website for Stripe Payment.
- Paypal Business Account for Paypal Payment.
Create Database, Username, Password & Import SQL file.
- Step 1: Login to your website CPanel with your Username & Password.
- Step 2: On Homepage, Scroll Down to Databases & Click on MYSQL Databases option.
- Step 3: Create New Database, Just write billing_system & press Create Database Button.
- Step 4: A message appears, Added the database "yupok_billing_system" It means Your Database Name : yupok_billing_system , Note : yupok_ prefix is demo, your website automatic added Prefix to your database name.So copy that name that is your Original Database Name.
- Step 5: Press Go Back and return to Database Page again.
- Step 6: Scroll Down the Page, MYSQL Users Add New User, Just fill the details like you want to use Username & Password & keep details in the safe place & Press Create User button.
- Step 7: A message appears, You have successfully created a MySQL user named "yupok_demo_user". It means Your Database USERName : yupok_demo_user , Note : yupok_ prefix is demo, your website automatic added Prefix to your Username.So copy that name that is your Original Database Username.
- Step 8: Press Go Back and return to Database Page again.
- Step 9: Scroll Down the Page again to Add User to Database . Select your Last Created Username & Last Created Database for this billing system & Press Add Button.
- Step 10: You will redirect to Another Page. Click on ALL PRIVILEGES option, Scroll down & Press Make Changes Button.
- Step 11: A Success message appears on top right corner. After that scroll down to the page and press Go Back
- Step 12: Example
YOUR_HOST_NAME : localhost Mostly its localhost but if not then contact your website service provide.
YOUR_DATABASE_NAME : yupok_billing_system This is demo which we explained above. Your real database name is different.
YOUR_DATABASE_USERNAME : yupok_demo_user This is demo which we explained above. Your real database username is different.
YOUR_DATABASE_Password : password That is explained in Step 6.
- Step 13: Import sql file to Database. Go to CPanel homepage scroll down to Database , Click on phpMyAdmin, your database will be open.
- Step 14: On the left sidebar your Newly Database Option will be shown Just click on that.
- Step 15: After click see on right side there is Import Option click on that and browse & select sql file from your downloaded database folder and press Go Button on the bottom.
- Step 16: Your database will be imported and your website is ready to Use.
Do Carefully Otherwise Script will not work
- Unzip the Downloaded File, Open 3_Upload Folder and go to backendboss folder
- Now Go to config folder
- Open db.php file in any Text Editor like Notepad++, Dreamweaver , etc.
- 1st = Now setup your database. Read above section, How to create Database, Username, Password & Import SQL file.
- 2nd = Now setup your Google ReCaptcha V2.
- Login to Google Account. After that go to this link - Google ReCaptcha Setup
- On Domains Field, It should be your domain name not localhost
- After Creating, Save Secret & Site Key at safe place. We will use in db.php file to setup.
- Now in db.php file which you have opened, now it's time to filled with Google ReCaptcha Keys
- Save db.php file & Move on 3rd Step.
- 3rd = Stripe & Paypal Payment Setup.
Stripe Setup
- How to get Stripe Secret & Publishable Key. - Login to your Stripe Account and Go to Developers->API Keys Stripe API Keys
- 4th = Maximum File Sizes of Main Zip FIle, Demo Video File & Preview Image Size Setup.
- Now open .user.ini file (in upload folder , note : not in backendboss folder only root folder .user.ini file ) in text editor replace first line with maximum main zip file size which you have entered in db.php i.e. upload_max_filesize = 256M , Save it & close it. Do not touch other lines of .user.ini file
- 5th & Final Step = BASE URL Setup.
- Save db.php and upload all files and folders on your Server & You are ready to go Admin Login & After Admin Login Do 1 Last Thing for Paypal Setup Go to Main Settings and scroll down. You will get Paypal IPN & Paypal Success URL For inserting Payment Data into Database & Redirect after successful transaction again on your website
Paypal Setup
- Open a New Tab and then login to your Paypal Business Account
- Copy the generated Paypal IPN URL on Main Settings page.
- After Copied URL , Click on Link written above generated URL i.e. Click Me for Paypal IPN URL
- A New Tab opens with Paypal IPN URL
- Click on Choose IPN Settings. A new page will be Open.
- First copy your IPN Url in Notification URL box which you copied in Main Settings of Admin Panel, then choose option Receive IPN Messages(Enabled) and Click Save.
- Copy the generated Auto Return URL on that page.
- After Copied Success URL in Admin Main Settings, Click on Link written above generated URL i.e. Click Me for Paypal Auto Return URL
- A New Tab opens with Paypal Auto Return URL
- Now You are ready for Admin Panel Setup
First Time Admin Login
- When you have configured correctly Database & Import SQL file then upload time.
- Go to downloaded file -> Go to upload folder -> Copy all files & folder (Note : In backendboss folder, go to config folder and open db.php file and replace details with your server detail which we explained above.)
- Create Folder on your server where you want to Upload this script. Upload all copied files.
- Let we help you in Detail with example.
- Assume you make a folder on your server course and upload all copied files with correct database configuration.
- URL for Admin :
- Assume you don't make any folder and upload it into root directory i.e. www or public html folder on your server and upload all copied files with correct database configuration.
- URL for Admin :
- Default Email : & Password : 123456
Admin Setup
- Change Email First for Forgot & Recover Password in Future. Old Password for first time is 123456
- Change Password after that. Old Password for first time is 123456
- No Go to the Main Settings which is very important. Fill all the fields otherwise Script won't work.
- These are Optional Setting. You can leave it or fill it.
- Now Very Important. Create Category for Users so they Upload Video Course inside their categories.
- Now Create Hard Reject Title & Reasons for Users so whenever You hard rejected Item these Title & Reason will automatically attached to the Email.
- Now Come to the Badges. Define Once for all the levels. Do not change anytime because it affects the Users Badges. Badges level from 1 to 16. Fill all the fields & Note : All Level is bigger than Previous Levels.
- Now The Dynamic Pages. Create & Manage Unlimited Pages
- All the Main things has been done. Now, Your website is ready to go. Review Them, Check Dashboard for Disputes , Earning, Reports, Forum Unseen Topic and many more things.
- All The Best Wishes from Team CodeDaddy for your Future Journey with this Script to make you the Next Billionaire in your Country. Thanks.
Copyright © Codedaddy (yupok)
You are not allowed to use this documentation template for your personal or commercial or any other purposes.