Open setup.php in any Text Editor Like Notepad++

1) Admin Name & Email Setup

Change Name & Email Only in Square Box

2) Google Recaptcha V2 Setup

Login to Google Account. After that go to this link - Google ReCaptcha Setup

On Domains Field, It should be your domain name not localhost

After Creating, Save Secret & Site Key at safe place. We will use in setup.php file to setup

Open setup.php , change line no. 22 (Site Key) & 25 (Secret Key) inside square box only.

3) Paypal Setup

Open setup.php , change line no. 33 (Paypal Business Email).

Your Success URL :  [Change url with yourwebsite address and do not put forward slash / at last after success word

Login to your Paypal Business Account & Auto Return should be On after successful donation. Paypal Auto Return Link

4) Other Setup

Now change according to your need. Like, Website URL, Meta Title, Meta Description , Minimum & Maximum Donation Amount, Name & Email Heading , Error Message in English or your language. But Note inside only in square box.

Save setup.php and Upload on your Server. You are ready to go. All the Best. Many Thanks.